Regulators and BCDs, which one should I buy first?

Which One should I buy first? This is a common inquiry we receive from newer divers looking to make one of their first significant equipment purchases, Which one should I buy first? Regulator or BCD? I feel as though there are pros and cons to buying one over the other in the short term when … Continued

10 Reasons to become a PADI Divemaster

THE TWO BROTHERS I’m completely focused on a pair of terrified eyes staring at me.  Kneeling on a sandy ocean floor 1.5 meters from the surface, but the eyes in front of me are full of anxiety at what I’m asking them to do.  “It’s ok” I try to make my eyes gentle and nurturing, … Continued

Tips for Successful Shore Diving

Depending on where you get your basic scuba certification and complete your first ocean (or lake or quarry) dives, diving from shore may or may not seem intuitive to you. For those that begin their diving experience from a boat, it can seem a little daunting to just walk in from the beach or pier. … Continued

Diving BC’s Browning Pass in Spring, an Easter trip experience

There are no words I can write here to do justice to the vibrant, healthy marine habitat that is found just northeast of Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. The diving in the south of Queen Charlotte Straight, in between Nigei and Balaclava Islands is second to none. Delicate pink soft corals drape underwater cliffs, including … Continued

Why scuba diving is a remarkable experience all year long in British Columbia

For divers that learn to dive in Vancouver, most take the plunge during the warmer months, but for those that keep diving they soon learn that winter is the best time of year to dive locally in BC. British Columbia offers rewards to divers regardless of season and below are my reasons why my Scuba diving experience is all year long in BC

Quadra Island Dive Travel Report

Every winter we run a trip to Quadra Island, one of the Discovery Islands just off Campbell River on Vancouver Island. Discovery Passage runs between Campbell River and this Island group and features some extreme tidal currents every day of the year. This makes it challenging to dive, but promotes significant growth for the local marine species in these nutrient rich waters

The Giant Pacific Octopus is an exciting encounter when diving in BC

While we have many interesting invertebrate animals in the Pacific Northwest local and visiting divers alike unanimously favour the Giant Pacific Octopus as a favourite or encounter or the one they most look forward to. Learning to See What You’re Looking For John DeBoeck of Browning Pass Hideaway near Port Hardy is fond of saying … Continued

Browning Pass: Why BC diving is some of the best in the world

The diving in and around the Port Hardy region of Vancouver Island is nothing short of awe-inspiring. I had heard about it for years before I finally made it a priority. My only regret is that I didn’t get there sooner. Many are shocked to learn that British Columbia has some of the world’s best … Continued