
If our courses are full you may still inquire about semi-private or private courses

Start Date End Date Availability


  • $339.95 Regular
  • $469.95 Semi-Private
  • $599.95 Private


  • 2 Days Course Length
  • Saturday & Sunday Start Time
  • 15+ Age Requirement
  • Advanced Course Difficulty
  • Self Study, Ocean Water time

Course overview

Many get into diving to explore the world below the surface. To many this isn’t far enough, though. If you want to see what is lurking even deeper than the safest way to do so is to attain proper training through a program such as PADI’s Deep Diver Specialty course.

This course addresses the complexities encountered with deep diving. It reviews no decompression limits and elaborates on emergency decompression procedures. It also takes into consideration increased air consumption at greater depths. Nitrogen narcosis is also addressed under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

We Supply

  • We provide necessary basic scuba rental equipment
  • PADI Deep Diver Specialty E-Learning Pass & Certification
  • Drysuit optional $60.00 upgrade, includes under garment

You Supply

  • Dive lights (primary and back-up), bottom timer, mask, snorkel, fins
  • Mouthpiece
  • Transportation


The program includes four open water dives which are conducted over two days. The minimum/maximum depths for the deep dives are between 18 to 30 metres/60 to 100 feet, with no dive exceeding 40 metres/130 feet. All your dives will be conducted within the no-decompression limits outlined on the PADI RDP or according to computers with the deepest dives conducted first.

During your program you will cover the knowledge, skills and techniques needed to dive deep. The following is included in the PADI Deep Diver program:

Planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and hazards of deep diving

  • Risk factors associated with deep dives and no-decompression tables review
  • Mandatory safety stop and emergency decompression procedures
  • Special equipment, descent lines and buoyancy-control considerations for deep dives
  • Procedures for flying after diving and high-altitude diving
  • Orientation to recompression chambers and procedures