
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Starting at $449.95 CAD

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Product Description

Have you gotten a taste of scuba diving with your PADI Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent) and now you want to explore more? The PADI Advanced Open Water Course taught at International Diving Centre in Vancouver will take you through 5 adventure dives to introduce new skills and knowledge to you to increase your ability to explore the underwater world.

This course will add to your existing skills and increase your confidence in the water. It is after taking the Advanced Open Water course that many become truly hooked on diving. The shift from recreation to passion often happens here as more of the ocean becomes available and as overall comfort and safety improves.

Many divers find the Advanced Open Water course very advantageous to have prior to going on a dive trip locally or abroad. Not only will you increase your own comfort and ability, but this certification is recognized globally and will enable you to access different dive sites than you may be able to explore with just an Open Water card. You will be certified to dive deeper (30m/100ft) and do night dives. Divers with an Advanced Open Water certification will also be recognized as more experienced with  buoyancy, navigation and communication skills and are able to visit more sensitive marine environments. Also, certain continuing education scuba courses such as the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty or Cavern Diver Specialty require a minimum of an Advanced Open Water certification.

What is An Adventure Dive?

The Adventure Dives in the Advanced Course are a few of many such Adventure Dives available through PADI. Each Adventure Dive introduces new skills, techniques, knowledge and often equipment involved in different aspects of diving. The Night Dive, for instance, teaches divers to use lights properly and how to effectively communicate in the dark. These dives are essentially samples of different types of diving and introduce basic skills and knowledge to account for different environments, equipment, etc. Aside from the Advanced course, Adventure Dives also compose PADI Specialty Courses.

Knowledge Development

The homework and academic work involved in the Advanced Open Water course is not as grueling as that for the PADI Open Water course. This course is focused largely on the practical, in-water side of training; however, students are required to complete some homework prior to completing their dives. The PADI Adventures in Diving manual contains a wealth of information on various Adventure Dives, but you will only be required to read 5 or 6 chapters for your course. These will be assigned when you register and pick up your materials. Knowledge Reviews for these chapters must be completed.

The homework and academic work involved in the Advanced Open Water course is not as grueling as that for the Open Water course. This course is focused largely on the practical, in-water side of training; however, students are required to complete some homework prior to completing their dives. The Adventures in Diving manual contains a wealth of information on various Adventure Dives, but you will only be required to read 5 or 6 chapters for your course. These will be assigned when you register and pick up your materials. Knowledge Reviews for these chapters must be completed.

The course also includes a quick review to assess diver knowledge and retention. An instructor will address any apparent gaps in knowledge.

The Advanced Open Water Course with Drysuit will include a classroom knowledge development session on drysuit use and care.

Pool Training/Confined Water Practice

The Advanced Open Water course with Drysuit includes one pool session to acquaint divers with the buoyancy characteristics of drysuits, control, positioning (trim), swimming (propulsion) and ascent techniques.

Ocean Dives

5 dives are included in the PADI advanced open water course. Typically 2 are performed the first Saturday, 2 more on a second Saturday and the Night Adventure Dive on one evening the following week. The dives normally consist of Peak Performancy uoyancy, drysuit, night, navigation and deep adventure dives, but these may vary slightly from course to course depending upon diver needs, conditions and other contributing factors. Deep and Navigation dives are, however, mandatory components of the PADI Advanced Open Water course and must be completed to earn the certification.

Learning Outcome

What will the PADI Advanced Open Water certify me to do?

The Advanced Certification will permit you to dive to depths of up too 100 feet/30 metres instead of the 60 feet/18 metres permitted by the Open Water course. It also introduces you to night diving and will increase your navigation and buoyancy skills. If you have not had any previous experience in a drysuit, most students opt to learn to use one as part of their Advanced course. Alternatively, the course can help refine existing skills in a drysuit.

Prerequisites/Course Requirements

Am I a candidate for the Advanced course? Am I ready?

Yes! Well, probably. The only prerequisites for the Advanced Open Water course are a clean bill of health according to the PADI medical statement and a PADI Open Water certification (or equivalent).

Minimum age:

  • 12 years for a Junior Advanced Open Water Certification
  • 15 years for Advanced Open Water Certification

We do evaluate each youth individually upon inquiry/registration for ability to participate in an adult oriented learning environment and the physical demands of cold water diving. Some 12 year olds are prepared for these challenges whereas some 16 year olds may not be yet. This is strictly for safety purposes and we do believe that scuba diving can be enjoyed by all ages if approached responsibly.

Additional Information

course type

Advanced w/Drysuit, Semi-Private w/Drysuit, Private w/Drysuit


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